Smith Family Farm
Reviewed Mar. 2, 2021

The Smith family are so hospitable

We only got to stay for a little over a week but me and the pups had so much fun while we were there. They have chickens so u can get fresh eggs when u need them. There are some donkeys at the neighbors next door that made my Rosie nervous with their noises but not even they could keep her from going outside to dig. She is a digger for sure and she had a blast along with Brutus. They also have a lumber milling business there so there is no shortage of good firewood, he will deliver and set it up for u. They seem to be either expanding or just improving the 2 sites that are there but we felt right at home even with it being cold.

  • Review photo of Smith Family Farm by Patti  C., March 2, 2021
  • Review photo of Smith Family Farm by Patti  C., March 2, 2021
  • Review photo of Smith Family Farm by Patti  C., March 2, 2021